Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Dragon Hunters

Miguel, Juan y Juan: The Dragon Hunters
Aside from climbing trees, playing soccer and simply chasing one another around the village there is another activity that the kids of San Sebastian Coatan indulge in.  They like to swat dragon flies. On warm days when swarms of dragon flies fill the air one will see kids lining the streets, atop houses, in corn fields and various other strategic locations allowing them the  best chance to swap a few down. You may ask what the kids do with the dragon flies once they’ve been taken from flight. Well, sometimes it is merely a contest as to who catches the most dragon flies, but they will also bring them home and cook them to eat. I myself have not tried them and not sure if I desire However, I have taken part in the hunt and it can be quiet addicting. 
           Mi tocayo with his Dragon Swatter 
Mi tocayo being funny
Juan with his dragon hunter

Gaspar taking a break from the hunt

Kids in San Jose dragon hunting

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